Almost every time I talk with a new client, they mention “That Room!”. At first I thought it just must be a coincidence, but by now, I’ve come to the realization that most people have (or can relate to)”That Room!”.
My official definition of “That Room!” is pretty simple. It is the one area in people’s homes that is the collection area. Sometimes I find it is the attic, the garage, or even a spare bedroom. Wherever it is, it is the dumping area for those items that do not have a location elsewhere.

I find at first, clients feel that because “That Room!” is hidden away, it does not matter and therefore does not bother them. They also believe that because others cannot see what is lurking behind the door that others do not know about “That Room!” (though I think they usually guess it’s your cluttered room!). However, most times the feelings of “it doesn’t matter” and “others do not know” do not last, and instead clients feel stress because “That Room!” does still exist.
So even though having “That Room!” is a way to contain the extra stuff, a better idea might be to make it a priority to clear the space out. This allows you to stop feeling guilty and to use the space in the way it was intended to be used. A craft room? Scrapbooking room? Spare bedroom for guests? You take command of turning “That Room!” into the real room you’ve always wanted it to be.